Cambridge University Press have recently published a new book on Proclus, by Radek Chlup. Full details here. There is also a Google preview here.
![]() Cambridge University Press have recently published a new book on Proclus, by Radek Chlup. Full details here. There is also a Google preview here. Richard Sorabji, in his role as Gresham Professor of Rhetoric, has given a number of public lectures on ancient philosophy, many of which touch on the ancient commentators. Transcripts, audio, and video of these are available online, and there is a full list here. These include 'Some Great Philosophers Waiting to be Rediscovered' and 'The Half Dozen Most Seminal Philosophy Books'.
There is a very nice tribute to Ian Mueller (1938-2010) by Stephen Menn published in the online journal Aestimatio, available here. Ian was a prolific contributor to the Ancient Commentators project and is sadly missed.
Project contributor Peter Adamson has produced a podcast on Alexander of Aphrodisias as part of his History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps series. In the same series he has discussed the origins of the Aristotelian commentary tradition.
![]() Spring 2012 saw the publication of the 90th volume in the Ancient Commentators series. This volume, by Richard McKirahan, presents part of Philoponus' commentary on Aristotle's Posterior Analytics. In this part of the Posterior Analytics Aristotle elaborates his assessment of how universal truths of science can be scientifically explained as inevitable in demonstrative proofs. Philoponus takes these issues further. |
August 2022
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