For the sake of completeness, here’s a list of the other volumes translating Simplicius' commentary on the Physics:
- On Aristotle Physics 1.3–4, tr. P. Huby and C. C. W. Taylor, 2011
- On Aristotle Physics 1.5–9, tr. H. Baltussen, M. Atkinson, M. Share and I. Mueller, 2012
- On Aristotle Physics 2, tr. B. Fleet, 1997
- On Aristotle Physics 3, tr. J. O. Urmson with P. Lautner, 2001
- On Aristotle Physics 4.1–5 and 10–14, tr. J. O. Urmson, 1992
- On Aristotle on the Void, tr. J. O. Urmson, 1994 (=Physics 4.6–9; published with Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 5–8, tr. P. Lettinck)
- On Aristotle Physics 5, tr. J. O. Urmson, 1997
- On Aristotle Physics 6, tr. D. Konstan, 1989
- On Aristotle Physics 7, tr. C. Hagen, 1994
- On Aristotle Physics 8.1–5, tr. I. Bodnar, M. Chase and M. Share, 2012
- On Aristotle Physics 8.6–10, tr. R. McKirahan, 2001